1. Consumer-Centred Diagnostics
There will be an increase in the efforts to trail callers across various gadgets in an advanced manner. This will lead to an improvement in communications hastened by a revised Google analytics. See how:
I. Consumer-centred diagnostics is a means to track customers, guests, and callers completely through varieties of gadgets and devices and a sales channel. An improved version of Google Analytics known as Universal Analytics has been recently launched. Universal Analytics is a long-awaited and up-to-date technique meant to help us track our websites’ visitors in an organized manner.
II. The advantage of the new Universal Analytics over the former Google Analytics is that Google Analytics offers us a shallow perspective of visitors to our sites using the cookie’s functionality. The problem with tracking the visitors to our site using cookies is that they get lost because we tend to delete them, use different devices, and sometimes also go offline, plus many others. On the other hand, the new Universal Analytics assigns an ID to visitors; with this ID, it is easier to track visitors to our sites.
III. The benefit? This will make possible more widespread, customer-centered information to be forwarded to Google Analytics servers from any location. Take, for instance, if your website attracts lots of traffic. With Google Analytics, you would only be able to track those visitors up to the point they turn out to lead. You won’t be able to go further than this.
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However, with Universal Analytics, you’ll not only be able to track those visitors; you’ll also have the capabilities of sending information from your CRM back to Google Analytics. You can determine whether the visitor to your site turned out into a lead and then into a customer. You’ll also know just how much revenue that the customer-generated for you.
2. Web Content Marketing
The best time ever to do content marketing is this year, 2013. The usefulness of content advertising has greatly improved because search, social, email, and several visual media are starting to depend on content as a means of business plan promotion.
What is web content marketing?
In the old form of marketing, you give people loads and loads of reasons why your company’s services are superb and how you should be patronized.
In the case of content marketing, you use written content to showcase your technical know-how either on your website, business plan publications, webinars or investigation papers, and so on. This is not a crazily new invention, though. Rather, it is among the methods used by David Ogilvy to promote his Ad agency when he initially started it. The way to succeed in content marketing is by forming an operational purpose for your content and focusing your attention on producing quality content instead of quantity.
Content marketing is the best tool for SEO
Web content marketing has proven to be the longest-standing SEO approach for the last 2 years, given the recent Google’s anti-spam and anti-thin article content algorithm adjustments. Content advertising is also a perfect generator of leads for the business plan (B2B) companies. The purpose of these articles is to make the visitors that come to your site to download a white paper, contract for a webinar, or a news sheet as a substitute for contacting you immediately for service. Your visitors will be able to eventually continue to patronize you if your content is of great value and useful to them.
3. Combination of Social Media and Search Marketing
Many business plans, search marketers, and advertisers who would not usually use social media are today making use of this awesome tool.
What is this all about?
Social features currently influence remunerated search marketing and likewise search engine optimization. Presently, marketers can display their social authority on paid search ads and pure search results by connecting Google+ (on Google), and Facebook (on Bing) accounts with their website.
All AdWords paid search ads now have Google+ 1 counts attached to them. This affects the rate at which the ads are clicked. Pure Google search guides incorporate author information in search results and see +1’s from those in your Google+ circles. Because the click-through rates for each search result are significant to Google, your Google+ 1’s will affect your Google rankings.
4. Backlink Tactic Adjustments
If you hope to make any headway, this is the time to consider tidying up your backlink building methods, especially if the schemes you have been using aren’t ideal.
What is Backlink tactic adjustment all about?
Previously, inferior directory listings paid links, and shared links helped you rank high in search engines. Today, this is no longer applicable as Google and Bing focus on the source of such links. They further offered website owners a means to reject a link, using their disavow tool. This is why most search engine optimized websites are reviewing the links coming to their website from other websites and deleting unpleasant ones.
The effect of not cleaning up your Backlink tactics
Google may penalize you if they discover that you have links attached to your site which have no other use apart from helping you gain higher Google rankings. This means that you have to be careful and observant about the sites linked to your site. It would help if you either asked those who linked the unpleasant websites to remove them or get them removed through the disavow tool.
5. Redefined Marketing
Redefined marketing is another way to improve business plan advertising ROI in 2013.
What does Redefined marketing mean?
Redefined marketing means illustrating ads to visitors of your website to bring them back.
What you stand to gain
Redefined marketing is an excellent means of using the money you are already paying for advertising to bring in more traffic that will, in turn, lead to a net increase in the ROI. Also, by spending less on redefined marketing, your total expense is to a great extent reduced, irrespective of the channel through which you gain visitors. It could be through search engines or email marketing.
6. Responsive Website Design
It will be tedious and difficult to create numerous websites for different kinds of devices. Instead, you could create one website that will serve the needs of all the users of those devices, i.e., the range of devices from desktops to the smallest smartphones.
What is Responsive website design?
This is a form of a website design capable of adjusting to varying display widths on-the-fly without applying another mobile website.
The benefit of responsive web design
Apart from being a top SEO practice, responsive web design also handles almost all innovative devices in the market today. Take, for instance, if you have a tablet edition of your website that was built for the iPad, it will accommodate the iPad mini and Nexus 7 tablets when introduced, as opposed to mobile websites.
Again, if your mobile website was developed for the iPhone 3G, you will be unable to gain numerous prospects using the Samsung GS III Smartphone. That is what your responsive website will do for you!
7. The Use of HTML5/CSS3
By utilizing the mobile web more and using compatible browsers, 2013 will become the getaway year for HTML5 and CSS3 elements’ mass usage.
What is HTML5/CSS3 all about?
They are innovative capabilities in HTML and CSS code that permit web designers to avoid using other methods, like JavaScript, Flash, or images, to bring about definite effects.
Of what benefit is an HTML5 or CSS3 element?
Both elements allow swifter page downloads, improved ease of access for mobile devices, and a lesser amount of time used up for coding.
8. The Use of Web Videos
Because production and hosting costs are gradually diminishing, web videos have become a money-spinning key for many business plans moving into 2013.
What does the use of these web videos imply?
It simply involves making use of videos to attract customers to purchase products on websites. It can either explain the usefulness of a product or help website visitors know more about the company.
The benefits of using web videos
There are methods of implanting traffic generating forms into web videos to obtain better results. However, it is important to track the rate of traffic conversion of different videos.
9. Increase in Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing will become conventional in 2013 as an increasing number of adults worldwide will own a Smartphone or tablet.
What is mobile marketing?
In the same manner that you display search ads to desktop internet surfers as they browse, you can project your ads to mobile internet surfers.
The advantages of Mobile marketing
The mobile advertising market is still underutilized. This means that it will provide you with better advertising opportunities with little or no competition than the other forms of marketing. In this way, you could track Smartphone users when they search for products and services related to yours and transform them into customers. Overall, mobile advertising will be an affordable, top prospective ground for marketers to look at in 2013.
10. Improved Exhibition Targeting
With up-and-coming ad targeting know-how that offers specific accuracy and the invention of the Facebook ad platform, marketers will be surveying additional efficient ways of getting accurate in 2013.
What is improved Exhibition Targeting?
It is now achievable to show ads to companies with definite sizes, job purposes, places, and much more. A business plan marketer can research and turn up various business plan divisions and the sort of ads to show.
The usefulness of improved exhibition targeting
Improved exhibition targeting would result in a smaller amount of money wasted. It would also lead to an improved advertising ROI and a lesser amount of time used up dissecting and separating unrelated leads. Small scale industries can reach their prospective customers by spending just a minute sum.
11. Email Redefined Marketing Crusades
Internet marketers are becoming aware that bounces are a fraction of the marketing sales funnel. Email redefined marketing has become simpler now than previously and symbolizes a gigantic prospect to benefit from in 2013.
What is email redefined marketing?
When customers discard web subscriptions, a computerized email is prompted to be dispatched in 1 hour, 24 hrs, 3 days, and 7 days after desertion to bring that customer back to the website.
The benefits of email redefined marketing.
Like display/exhibition marketing, email redefined marketing has a meager cost-per-acquisition rate because you no longer need to struggle to get the customers to your site. Lead generation and equally online business plan websites can use this system to back prospective customers and sales.
12. The Use of Search Re-Targeting
Google intended to bring search re-targeting to AdWords in 2013. When they do this, what was previously an advertising technique used by few advertisers will be made available for widespread use.
What is search retargeting?
Search re-targeting offers business plan promoters the facility to aim ads at visitors with a definite search record. This entails knowing how to bid higher/lower, select a definite ad or landing page for a specific keyword guided by preceding keywords that a visitor has searched for. Search re-targeting can also be used in exhibition advertising to exhibit ads to users who have an explicit search record.
The usefulness of search re-targeting
It is just another type of procedure to get to an optimum value of ROI. Search engine awareness helps you know the users’ intentions and guides you to serve the exact ad.
13. Use of Conversion Rate Optimization
Unlike before, there is now an online resource to help learn about conversion rate optimization. Recently, it was described on CNN – which has proved a great move forward for the industry.
What is conversion rate optimization?
Instead of erratically making website adjustments, conversion rate optimization offers you a better and wiser method to compare the effects of each change you make to your website and allows you to increase the percentage of visitors who made a required accomplishment like filling out a Web form, paying for a product, etc. There is an art following the tactic, which can lead to an incredible increase in ROI.
The usefulness of conversion rate optimization
It is an influential means with the potential of boosting your online advertising ROI. It is interesting to know that only a few business plans use conversion rate optimization when making changes to their websites. It has become effortless to split test, using the A/B test that it will be unwise not to use it. The right thing to do is to employ a consultant’s services in the field rather than making uncertain trial and error website adjustments.